MyCalorieApp Versions

Version 3.3.4, June 2024

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.3.3, June 2024

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.3.1, June 2024

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.3, June 2024

  • Improved detection and transfer of licenses (Samsung Galaxy Store)
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.2.6, April 2024

  • Bug-fix: Duplicate license credit
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.2.5, March 2024

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.2.4, March 2024

  • Bug-fix: Deletion of weight values written to Google Fit
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.2.3, March 2024

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.2.2, February 2024

  • Strengthened scanning of barcodes for new foods
  • Improved detection of licenses
  • Bug-fix: Dummies are editable
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.2.1, December 2023

  • Full support of Android 14
  • Improved reliability of the barcode scanner
  • Updated Consent Management Platform
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.2, October 2023

  • Pro: Daily values
  • Bug-fix: Recipe market displays less than 20 entries
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.1.5, August 2023

  • Improved amount suggestion when changing serving size
  • Discontinued support of Android 8
  • Bug-fix: Unable to delete body weight
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.1.4, June 2023

  • New: Delete user account
  • Improved appearance of the Shop
  • Bug-fix: Crash for meal with percent sign
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.1.3, April 2023

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.1.2, March 2023

  • Support of Android account management
  • Fixed erroneous error message when adding a new food
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.1.1, December 2022

  • Full support of Android 13
  • New: App language setting (Android 13 and up)
  • New: Change of duration when copying a single training
  • New: Status of water tracking at My Day, optional
  • Added support of UPC-A and UPC-E barcodes
  • Consideration of a minimum value for chloride
  • Speed up analysis of time spans
  • Bug-fix: Camera displays black screen
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.1, October 2022

  • New barcode scanner
  • Pro: CSV export supports selection of folder
  • Pro: CSV export supports Google Drive
  • Import Assistant supports arbitrary local folders and Google Drive
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0.14, July 2022

  • Removed Google Analytics
  • Discontinued support of Android 7
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0.13, June 2022

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0.12, June 2022

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0.11, June 2022

  • Accelerated server access in analysis and export
  • Dropped integration of StepsApp
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0.10, May 2022

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0.9, April 2022

  • New: Google Fit, switch for inclusion of unknown activities
  • Fixed unit of more than 760 foods from grams to milliliters
  • Bug-fix: Barcode scanner not working from widget
  • Bug-fix: Lists with recipes only disappear
  • Bug-fix: Elements of lists display amount multiple times
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0.8, February 2022

  • New: Recipes as part of private lists
  • New: Start date of diet assistant editable
  • New: Resulting amount of recipes, in addition to water reduction
  • Weight Diary and Analysis keep selected time span
  • Improved text search
  • Full support of Android 12
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0.7, December 2021

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0.6, December 2021

  • Full support of Android 11
  • Simplified serving sizes
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0.5, October 2021

  • Discontinued support of Android 6
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0.4, August 2021

  • Improved reliability of license transfer
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0.3, July 2021

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0.2, July 2021

  • Bug-fix: Recipes not working for water tracking
  • Bug-fix: Wrong food categories in search
  • Bug-fix: Wrong weight difference in dashboard
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0.1, Mai 2021

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 3.0, Mai 2021

  • New: Card for water input
  • Updated to Google Play Billing API V3
  • Dashboard displays short analysis for salt/sodium
  • Improved keyboard behaviour
  • License history is sorted now
  • Adapted CSV export and import assistant
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.5.3, March 2021

  • Removed Facebook and Amazon log-in
  • Improved reliability of license transfer
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.5.2, February 2021

  • Improved keyboard behaviour
  • Detailed feedback for foods, sports, public recipes, and lists
  • New warning, before an user account with identical e-mail address will be created
  • Improved reliability of license transfer
  • New setting for the cache duration of past entries
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.5.1, December 2020

  • Improved food synchronization speed
  • Enabled Google Play Store reviews inside the app
  • Lots of minor improvements
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.5, November 2020

  • Log-in with Facebook and Amazon will no longer be supported from March 1st, 2021
  • Removed ad mediation service AdinCube
  • Updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service
  • Discontinued support of data import from Basic and Swiss
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.4, September 2020

  • New logo
  • Pro: Totals in Analysis
  • New: Short analysis in My Day displays remaining values
  • New: Labels for vegetarian, vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, natural product
  • Added display of food review status
  • Reduced download size of the app
  • Discontinued support of Android 5
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.3.9, July 2020

  • Improved assignment of liquid foods to meals
  • Improved login timeout
  • Improved size of food list entries
  • Blocked special keywords for new foods
  • New: Firebase Crashlytics
  • Bug-fix: Google Fit entries remain after disconnection
  • Bug-fix: Reset of password does not work
  • Bug-fix: Wrong font size after wakeup of app
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.3.8, April 2020

  • Bug-fix: Useless dialog for permission request
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.3.7, April 2020

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.3.6, February 2020

  • Bug-fix: App ignores Android font size
  • Bug-fix: Calories of job activity incorrect for undefined days
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.3.5, December 2019

  • Pro: Increased number of lists and recipes from 250 to 500
  • Pro: Added new daily mood: vomiting
  • Full support of Android 10
  • Update of Google Fit API
  • Update of Google Log-in API
  • Switched buttons to Material Design
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.3.2, August 2019

  • Completed translations for spanish, italian, french
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.3.1, June 2019

  • Added new predefined serving unit: bar
  • Simplified food categories
  • Definition of the energy density according to Prof. Dr. Schusdziarra
  • New: Brand/manufacturer, category, and salt/sodium mandatory for new foods
  • Removed input of “Natural Product”
  • Fixed display of salt values
  • Bug-fix: List of search results incomplete
  • Bug-fix: Missing permission when doing import
  • Improved error messages
  • Discontinued support of Android 4.4
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.3, March 2019

  • Pro account: Configuration of meals
  • New: Automatic day change in My Day and weight diary
  • New: Check of nutrition values of new and edited foods
  • New: Sugar and saturated fatty acids mandatory for new and edited foods
  • Updated recommended daily values for salt/sodium, iodine, vitamin B12 and D, alcohol
  • Full support of Android 9.0 Pie
  • Upgrade to AndroidX libraries
  • Bug-fix: No selection of serving sizes for recipe ingredients
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.2.7, December 2018

  • Added transfer of support information using e-mail
  • Bug-fix: No log-in from widget
  • Cancelled support of Android 4.2 and 4.3
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.2.6, August 2018

  • Pro account: Chest, underbust, upper arm, thigh, knee, calf in weight diary
  • New: Swipe gesture to change day at Dashboard and My Day
  • New: Time span of 180 days in the weight diary
  • Revised display of Privacy Policy
  • Improved text search
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.2.5, July 2018

  • Automatic barcode assignment when picking existing food instead of creating new one
  • New e-mail based user accounts no longer require activation
  • New warning when switching the user account
  • Easier edit of nutrition values of a food when entering a consumption
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.2.4, May 2018

  • New setting for app updates
  • New setting for anonymous usage statistics
  • Full support of Android 8.0 Oreo
  • New Privacy Policy, GDPR compliant
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.2.3, March 2018

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.2.2, February 2018

  • Significant improvement of text search
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.2.1, December 2017

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.2, December 2017

  • Coupling with the step counter StepsApp
  • Pro account: Notes for ingredients
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.1.4, November 2017

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.1.3, October 2017

  • New logo
  • Bug-fix: Changed values are lost when a dialog is displayed
  • Bug-fix: Initialization blocked
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.1.2, September 2017

  • Improved synchronization of the job activity
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.1.1, September 2017

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.1, September 2017

  • Login with Amazon
  • App supports 5 languages: english, german, spanish, french, italian
  • Bug-fix: Individual daily values aren’t saved
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 2.0.1, September 2017

  • Bug-fix: Samsung In-App-Purchase

Version 2.0, August 2017

  • Pro account: Printing
  • Pro account: PDF export
  • Pro account: CSV export
  • Pro account: Note for consumptions
  • Pro account: New layout of the energy distribution settings
  • Pro account: Added default target date settings for the copy of entries in My Day
  • Export and sharing of images
  • Recipe Market for sharing recipes and lists
  • Recipes and lists may be public
  • Display of all user defined foods of a user
  • Added text search to pick of category
  • New: Copy of a weight entry
  • New: Note for express input of exercises
  • Suggestion of the missing category of a new food
  • Vegetarian, vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, natural product when adding or editing a food
  • Bug-fix: Calculation of training energy is incorrect when adding a training
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 1.2.1, July 2017

  • Pro account: Daily mood
  • Pro account: Analysis, Display of the energy density
  • New design for Analysis
  • Button for Today at dashboard and My Day
  • New preference for the search: prefer raw foods
  • Edit amount when copying a single consumption
  • Improved default of date when copying entries
  • My Day: Expand/collapse state of the meals is stored
  • Enabled number input for energy density
  • Replaced note line with multiline dialog
  • Bug-fix: selection of job activity unstable
  • Minor improvements and bug-fixes

Version 1.2, June 2017

  • Pro account: Daily note
  • New food can be set as favorite immediately
  • Updated reference values according to DGE
  • Smart Quick Log-in for Google and Facebook
  • Quick Log-in may be switched off
  • Auto log-in may be switched off
  • New preference for the widgets: target of "add consumption"
  • New preference for the cache duration of today´s entries
  • Bug-fix: Workaround for bug in Android 7.0/7.1
  • Bug-fix: App blocked when viewing past days
  • Bug-fix: Preferences aren´t transferred to server
  • Bug-fix: Date is lost when switching from My Day to Dashboard
  • Bug-fix: No edit of category for some foods
  • Bug-fix: Missing Google Fit values in widgets
  • Bug-fix: Weight diary loses hip and waist values
  • Bug-fix: Unable to create a new e-mail based user account
  • Bug-fix: Initialization blocks
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 1.1.1, March 2017

  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 1.1, March 2017

  • New: Editing of foods (not for private foods)
  • Pro account: Create copy of recipes
  • Bug-fix: No editing of future consumptions and exercises
  • Bug-fix: Missing data synchronization when changing login
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 1.0.4, March 2017

  • Revised initialization (workaround for devices with layout problems)
  • Bug-fix: Login problem when using 2 devices
  • Bug-fix: Disabled quick-login for Google and Facebook
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 1.0.3, February 2017

  • Pro account: Added charts for absolute values of body fat, muscles, water
  • Faster log-in
  • Adding a new food checks for identical and similar entries
  • Settings: Added deletion of all user defined data
  • Improved error messages from server
  • New interpretation of the WHtR according to newer studies
  • Removed uncertain interpretation of the WHR
  • Fixed leap year issue
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 1.0.2, December 2016

  • New: Double click in My Day to edit entries
  • Bug-fix: Unable to delete a complete day
  • Bug-fix: Unable to display preview for new recipes
  • Bug-fix: Widget ignores exercises from Google Fit
  • Bug-fix: Unable to display lists/recipes
  • Improved license handling
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 1.0.1, November 2016

  • Google Fit: basic energy needs may be considered for exercises
  • Minor bug-fixes

Version 1.0, November 2016

  • First published release